Tuesday, August 13, 2013

WOLFPACK! Photographs by Walt Cessna

WOLFPACK! 140 male muses, 1 Lady Rizo. Art Directed by Frank Gargiulo. Forward by Paul Darling. Epilogue by Clint Catalyst. Photographs by Walt Cessna / Blurb 2012 It’s a paradox, the title Walt Cessna chose for his latest body of work—a provocative collection of photographs in which the concept of ‘body’ is addressed on a number of levels. A paradox, since according to the standard definitions offered through layman’s terms and common logic, it seems to contradict itself. Most of us are familiar with the lone wolf archetype, and could reasonably establish that various permutations of this fiercely independent creature [employment of scare quotes notwithstanding] are what and who he’s presented here: namely, the runt forced out of the pack. The outsider. The marginalized. The queer-not-gay. The option not offered on the drop-down menu. Yet, when assembled together in a group—specifically, that of a ‘wolfpack’—doesn’t the act of assembly itself cause two opposing ideas to butt heads? Therein—or rather, herein—the power of paradox exists. - Clint Catalyst For a full preview & to order - http://www.blurb.com/books/2956776-wolfpack


Photographs by Walt Cessna NYC 13